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How To Clean A Wooden Charcuterie Board?

How To Clean A Wooden Charcuterie Board?

How To Clean A Wooden Charcuterie Board?

A charcuterie board goes by many names – cheese board, meat board, and charcuterie platter, to name a few. No matter what you call it, this convenient serving piece is perfect for any gathering, large or small.

A wide range of foods is typically served on a charcuterie board, including meats, cheeses, fruits, vegetables, nuts, crackers, and dips. While the ingredients will vary depending on your personal preferences, one thing is for certain – a charcuterie board is always a hit!

However, to make them last as long as possible, it’s important to clean your wooden boards properly.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to clean a wooden charcuterie board.

Remove and rinse food residue

It is imperative to clean the board immediately after use to prevent food residue from hardening and becoming difficult to remove and to prevent staining, especially if you have a light-colored board.

The first step is to remove all food residue from the board. Of course, put away any food that is still edible!

Once all of the food has been cleared, rinse the board with warm water. If there are any sticky bits on the surface, you can use a soft sponge or a soft scrubber to remove them gently.

Add dishwashing liquid

The actual washing step includes a few drops of dishwashing liquid. You don’t need to use a lot – a little goes a long way!

Dilute the dish soap liquid in a sink or basin full of warm water.

Important: Do not, by any means, soak your board in soapy water! This will cause the wood to warp and crack.

Use a sponge to wipe the board’s surface with soapy water.

Remove stains

If there is any discoloration on the board, for example, from strawberries or red wine, you can use a half lemon and baking soda to remove the stain.

Sprinkle baking soda on the affected area, then rub the lemon half over it in a circular motion.

Baking soda and lemon juice are a powerful combination that will remove most stains and even effectively clean other hard-to-clean areas in your kitchen!

Rinse and dry the board

Once you’re satisfied that the board is clean, rinse it with warm water to remove any soap residue.

Finally, dry the board completely with a clean dish towel or a lint-free cloth.

Store the board in a dry place

Store the board in a dry place when you’re not using it. If possible, keep it in a cupboard or a drawer where it won’t be exposed to sunlight or excessive heat, as this can cause the wood to change shape.

What about sanitization?

Cleaning and sanitizing are two different things. Cleaning removes visible dirt and debris while sanitizing kills harmful bacteria.

For household surfaces like charcuterie boards, cleaning is usually sufficient. However, if your board has been in contact with raw food (such as raw meat), you may want to sanitize the wood board as well. Even if it weren’t, occasional sanitizing wouldn’t hurt!

There are two sanitizing solutions you can use: a white vinegar solution or hydrogen peroxide.

Distilled white vinegar is a natural disinfectant. For cleaning wooden boards, use it straight, without diluting it with water. The best method for applying vinegar to your board would be to use a spray bottle.

Spray the board generously with vinegar, then use a clean cloth to wipe it down or rinse it off with water. Let the board air dry.

Hydrogen peroxide is another great sanitizing agent. It’s effective at killing germs but is also gentle on surfaces.

When buying hydrogen peroxide, make sure you get a 3% solution – this is the most effective concentration for disinfecting.

Pour the solution over the board and evenly distribute it using a clean sponge. The hydrogen peroxide solution will start to foam when it comes into contact with the board.

Leave the solution on the board for at least 1 minute, then rinse it off with water and let it air dry.

Do I need to oil my board?

Oiling the board is optional, but it will help protect the wood and keep it looking its best. You can use any type of food-grade mineral oil or wooden cutting board oil for this purpose.

Apply the oil to the board with a clean cloth, using circular motions to distribute it evenly. Rub the oil into the board until it’s no longer visible on the surface.

Wipe away any excess oil with a clean cloth, then let the board air dry completely before using it or storing it.

Re-oil the board every few months. You’ll know it’s time to re-oil when the board starts to look dry or feels dull.

This oiling process depends on your board’s type of wood.

If you’re not sure how often to oil your board, consult the manufacturer’s instructions or contact the retailer where you purchased it.

What to avoid

There are a few things you should avoid when cleaning your wooden board:

  • Soaking the board in water – this will cause the wood to warp
  • Using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners – these can damage the surface of the board
  • Storing the board in a humid place – this can cause the wood to crack or mildew
  • Washing your board in a dishwasher – the high temperatures of the hot water can damage the wood
  • Leaving your board out in the sun – this can fade the wood or cause it to warp
  • Not cleaning the board after each use – leftover food can cause the board to stain, harbor bacteria, or develop unpleasant odors


A charcuterie board is a great way to serve appetizers, cheese, and other small bites. But like any other kitchen item, it needs to be properly cleaned and cared for.

Use warm water and soap to clean the board after each use. Sanitize the board with a vinegar or hydrogen peroxide solution for a deeper clean.

Oil the board every few months to keep it looking its best. And avoid soaking the board in water, using harsh chemicals, or storing it in a humid place. By following these simple tips, you can keep your charcuterie board clean and looking like new for years to come!

If you’d like to get a stunning wooden charcuterie board of your own, contact us at Bali Teak Collective. We have a wide range of live edge boards to choose from, all made from high-quality wood. And our team of experts can help you find the perfect board for your needs!